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Creative Home Improvement Tips That You Have Never Thought Of

Home Improvement Tips

There are endless possibilities regarding what you can do to improve your home. You can work on enhancing the original character of the house to sell it for a good price, or you can tweak it according to your taste. Make it more you, if you are planning to live there.

There are so many things that you can do to revamp your home, depending on your budget. If you do not have a huge budget set aside for home improvement and you are not on a limited time frame, then you can materialize your ideas over a period of time. Getting the renovations done in accordance to how much you can afford on a monthly basis might take longer, and cost you more in terms of labor cost in the long run, but it will help you get exactly what you want.

If you are not going for a big addition or change in your home, then there are a number cost friendly tips and DIY tricks you can employ. They might not bring about a big and obvious alteration in your home, but it will add to home improvement to a certain extent.

Thus, we have compiled some creative home improvement tips and ideas that you can follow to make your home both aesthetically appealing and more functional.

1. Turn your attic into a pillow room with a functional entertainment center (by adding a TV, speakers, and DVD player to the room), so you can lie down and enjoy.

2. Convert the space below the staircase into a functional storage space or a bookcase to effectively utilize the space.

3. Transform the dead space present above the staircase into a reading corner or playroom, to add an additional room to the house without expanding the size of the original structure.

4. Utilize the dead space between a wall, or in the kitchen island, by integrating a built-in wine rack.

5. Add an indoor herb garden to your kitchen; all you need is starter seed kit and the right UV lighting, and you will have fresh herbs whenever you need them.

6. Bring some life to your dreary basement by giving it a thorough scrubbing and turning it into a functional den, entertainment and game room, or even a family room.

7. Bring that new floor finish back to your old wooden flooring by scrubbing it thoroughly with a homemade baking soda and vinegar cleaner, and then polishing it with a mixture made from lemon juice, olive oil, and water.

8. Paste feathers to old lamp shades or even to a chandelier to create exquisite cloud lighting for your home.

There are a number of other projects you can look into both DIY ones and ones that need to be done professionally; just finalize your budget and commence with home improvement. The sooner you start, the sooner you will get a better and more appealing home.

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